Creative Shots

Here are some creative photos I took at Bannack, an old ghost town in Montana! Each photo I took was for a specific creative category; levitation, conceptual, ghost, abstract, and commercial. For my levitation shot, I took a photo of someone in place of where I wanted it to float. I then removed the subject AND anything holding it out of the frame so that I could have a clean background photo. In photoshop, I put these two photos together and got a magical image. My levitation shots are shown below. For the conceptual, ghost, and abstract shots, I had several ideas at Bannack that helped me get the interesting photos I needed for each category. Last but not least, the commercial shot was simple. I first chose I photo I took of one of the actress’ beautiful jewelry. Then I made it black & white, added a logo and slogan, and I was done!


Magic Schoolbook
Hung by a Wire


Nose in a Book


Ghostly Grasp


Floral Reflection
Peeling Off


Cartier Jewelry Ad