Life in Motion

by Hailey Plummer

This week I have learned about the many uses for motion in creative photography. I took several photos implementing this use of motion through cards falling in the air, splashing water, and bright lines of light. To achieve this, I practiced using my different camera settings that change exposure. The aperture and shutter speed gave me power as the photographer so that I could be in control of light coming into the camera.

Frozen Motion

Ten of Hearts

5/3/22, 8:33pm, Abri Townhouses, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/200 sec, ISO 100, Nikon D3400, using a tripod & flash

After many attempts, I got this clean shot of cards falling from my hand.

Rock Bottom

4/27/22, 11:29:am, BYU-Idaho, 50mm, f/9.0, 1/800 sec, ISO 800, Nikon D3400

This puddle splash from a rock I threw was taken outside in overcast daylight

Blurred Motion

From the Wall

5/3/22, 8:48pm, Abri Townhouses, 50mm, f/16, 5.0 sec, ISO 100, Nikon D3400, using a tripod

This light painting was taken in front of an outlet in my kitchen with my phone flashlight

Off the Wall

5/5/22, 6:48pm, Abri Townhouses, 50mm, f/1.8, 4.0 sec, ISO 100, Nikon D3400, using a tripod

This blurred self-portrait was taken with a double exposure, it’s done in my living room using an orange lamp

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